During last vacations streets were ruled by metallic tattoos. They delighted us with their beautiful, rich palette of patterns and metallic shine strongly contrasting with summer skin. Cheap, effective and easy in execution temporary tattoos conquered women’s hearts all around the world, though there were people who thought that they were childish. This year they are back with entirely new look. Let us introduce Emoji Flash Tattoos!
As usual in cases like that and similar trends, their beginnings reach social media. The largest Instagram profile with metallic tattoos inspirations is @flashtattoos, where each day are uploaded new photos. Among them for some time now started to appear photos tagged #emoji and #flashtat. With those tags we can easily find inspirations connected to Emoji Flash Tattoos.
Emoji Flash Tattoos are another tattoos out of line of very metallic decorations for skin, which have great contrast with skin. In traditional Flash Tattoos we won’t find anything besides silver and gold patterns, however when it comes to Emoji Flash Tattoos, those metallic emoticons have elements with black, red and other colours. They are used to outline contour and facial expression of emoticon, which wouldn’t be possible with just one colour.
What else makes this trend different from the one from last year? Size – Emoji Flash Tattoos are mainly small tattoos, just as small are emoticons used in the Internet. In their case more important is amount not the pattern. The more Emoji Flash Tattoos on your body the better. Awesome metallic tattoos can be applied everywhere – shoulders, neck, hands, legs, feet, face and even finger tips! Creativity about placing metallic emoticons on the body has no boundaries, after all the most interesting end up on @flashtattoos profile.
Emoji Flash Tattoos have potential to become one of the hottest trends of upcoming summer. For now we are sceptical about emoticon on the cheek, but it was similar with Flash Tattoos in primary version. We will be fond of this metallic tattoos as well, because it is only temporary body decoration. They remove after less than a week and if you want to you can remove them sooner with a cotton pad soaked with warm water with soap.