How to take care of feet? Few practical advices.

Feet are always subjected to damages and injuries – after all they carry our body’s weight. For this reason they need our protection and conditioning. We do not mean only pedicure, but also use of moisturising masks and peelings. Let’s see how you should take care of feet for them to be beautiful and healthy.

Skin of feet becomes dry very quickly; it is often subjected to irritations and blisters. The most liable to damage are heels and big toes, because there skin cracks and excessively peels. As a result can appear wounds, callus and other unfortunate and painful surprises. So, before you put on your sandals and go to the beach you have to take care of your feet and nails. You just need to apply to those three simple rules.

Bath for feet

To the bowl with warm water add some cosmetic salt. The most effective are those with content of minerals, vitamins and other nourishing ingredients. They will additionally remove dead skin cells and protrusions. Bath in salty water has refreshing, calming and firming properties. Instead of cosmetic salt you can use shower gel, olive oil or cosmetic oil. After 15 minute bath, dry your feet. Skin will be soft and nails more liable to filing and polishing.

Smoother of feet

Push back cuticles with a wooden stick and smoother skin with foot grater, pumice or peeling. Always use cosmetics dedicated for skin care of feet. This type of products contain flecks, salt grains or oils. Those are great in removal of dead skin cells and nourishment of skin. Massage will boost blood circulation and provide relaxation.

Do the pedicure

Cut nails with nail clippers with rounded tip. This device will not cause cracks or splitting nails. However, do not cut or file to deep – nails fulfil protective function. If you have a problem with blisters and calluses, dabble feet, place a dressing on wounds and treat protrusion with foot grater or pumice. If that do not work, visit podiatrist. What is more, cracking heels are consequence of dryness and deficit of vitamins A and E. On soften and smoother skin apply cream or ampoule with moisturising or oil providing substances.