Replace your cosmetics with Aspirine!

Aspirin, also known as acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), is a popular medication, which can be easily found in almost every home medicine cabinet. Aspirin C is used mainly to relieve pain, reduce inflammations and bring down fever. What might be surprising, Aspirin can be applied in cosmetics equally successfully.

If you would like to take advantage of Aspirin C and include it into your home beauty treatments, reach for effervescent tablets only. They are easy to mix with other substances, which in turn, facilitates production of ‘Do It Yourself’ care products. How can Aspirin be used in cosmetics?

1# Treating greasy hair

Does your hair get greasy too frequently? Do you have to wash your hair everyday? If the answer is positive, try to rinse your hair with a mixture of water and Aspirin (to be more precise, two tablets of Aspirin for every half of a litter of water). Washing hair with such a mixture, and rinsing it with pure water afterwards, is an effective method for reducing the amount of sebum.

2# Successful fight against acne

Acne is this sort of skin imperfection that affects, or was affecting, probably everybody. The battle with the pimples is a tough nut to crack, indeed. Fortunately, Aspirin can be treated as an ally with this unequal struggle. Prepare one tablet of Aspirin C, crush it and combine with small amount of water so to obtain a kind of paste. Now, apply the mixture on acne marks, leave on for a few minutes and, obviously, rinse it off afterwards.

3# Aspirin face mask

Face mask made of aspirin is equally effective as other regular cosmetics which are widely used for smoothing and cleansing skin. Prepare a spoon of dense natural yoghurt, a spoon of natural honey, a little bit of warm water and approximately 3 effervescent tablets of Aspirin C. Combine the ingredients so as to obtain a consistency facilitating putting the cosmetic on face and leaving it on for 10-15 minutes.

4# Relief for cracked hands

The problem of cracked and chapped hands is ever-present, especially during autumn and winter season. Application of the mixture of Aspirin and lemon juice is an effective method of softening and highlighting of hand skin. Just for the record, the same mixture works perfectly for eliminating unpleasant scent from hands. Dissolve a few tablets of Aspirin in water and squeeze juice form one lemon. Then, put the hands inside the mixture and leave them covered with water for several minutes.